Sunday, April 24, 2011

In the darkest hour, there will be light.

Ok. So here's a story that I can't stand.
My mom is from Colombia. For those of you who don't know, that's in South America. I've been told she has a "heavy accent," but I can't hear it since I've been her child for as long as I can remember. Any way, she was telling me about a dispute she was having at the high school at which she works. The issue went so far that she had to have a meeting with the fighter (a co-worker), and the vice principal and principal (I think that's all..). The point of this story is that the fighter's argument for the dispute was, "Well maybe what I was trying to say got lost in translation."

As if my mother doesn't speak English.

What's further, the co-worker has received her GED from high school while my mom has a college diploma from San Jose State. Who do you think speaks better English of the two?

Point being, I can't stand that bugga bugga bullshit [King's Speech, anyone?]. Your accent, race, or any thing else does not make you less of a person nor less intelligent. So next time you plan on being discriminatory, think to yourself: What if someone was acting like the way I'm acting right now to me or to my mother?

Then how would you feel?

1 comment:

  1. It's never pleasant to find out someone messed with your mom while you were away. I'm sure you would have had some choice words for this co-worker.
